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Anxiety is a natural response to stress, often characterized by feelings of worry, nervousness, or unease. It is the body's way of preparing to face challenges or potential threats. However, when anxiety becomes excessive, persistent, or overwhelming, it can interfere with daily life and well-being.


Common symptoms include restlessness, rapid heartbeat, difficulty concentrating, and physical tension. Anxiety can arise from various factors, including stress, past experiences, and biological or environmental triggers. While it's normal to experience occasional anxiety, chronic anxiety may be a sign of an anxiety disorder, which may require professional support to manage.

To learn more about your anxiety and how it may be affecting you, consider completing our anxiety assessment. This can help provide insights and guide next steps toward managing your well-being.


Anxiety Assessment

The GAD-7 (Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7) is a simple, research-backed tool designed to assess how anxiety may be affecting your daily life. It focuses on key symptoms such as excessive worry, difficulty controlling anxious thoughts, restlessness, physical tension, and how these symptoms may impact your ability to function at work, home, or in social situations.

This form helps identify patterns of anxiety, providing valuable insights into your emotional well-being.

Please take a moment to reflect on your experiences and answer each question as honestly as possible. There are no right or wrong answers — simply select the option that best describes how often you've experienced each symptom over the past two weeks.

Your information is treated with care and confidentiality. If you're feeling overwhelmed or need immediate support, please contact our mental health professional at (512)-798-3712

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